English & Creative Writing

A degree in English and Creative Writing provides Thomas More University graduates with job market versatility, knowledge of verbal and written expression, and an edge in a culture defined by fast-paced exchanges of information. The skills cultivated by English majors remain in top demand by employers across the U.S.
In addition to offering the major, the English and Creative Writing Department offers a minor that pairs well with majors from any discipline and provides an edge in the competitive career market. To provide students with the utmost flexibility, our minor is earned when a student completes 6 English courses after the completion of English 150.
The Department at a Glance.
Faculty in the English and Creative Writing Department have specialties across literary studies, creative writing, and composition and rhetoric. In addition to six full-time faculty and several part-time faculty, the department features a Writer in Residence – appointed annually. Among those who have served the college are Pauletta Hansel, a regionally known poet, memoirist, teacher and editor who was recently named the first Poet Laureate of Cincinnati, and Richard Hague, an awarding-winning poet and author of a dozen collections of poetry who draws largely on his Appalachian roots as a native of Steubenville, Ohio. Additionally, many of the Thomas More faculty have experience teaching abroad, and faculty members of the James Graham Brown Honors Program also supervise the Honors Fellowship projects at the behest of the students.
Hear from Thomas More University alumna Courtney Smalley ’14 as she talks about the value of an English major
Who will I be learning from?
Professor Sarah Blackwell | Instructor/Lecturer | B.A. Thomas More University, KY | M.A. University of Cincinnati, OH |
Professor Julie Daoud | Professor | B.A. Miami University, OH | M.A. University of Cincinnati, OH | Ph.D. University of Cincinnati, OH |
Professor Sarah Gerkensmeyer | Assistant Professor | B.A. DePauw University | M.F.A. Cornell |
Professor Jim Schuttemeyer | Associate Professor | B.S. Thomas More University, KY | M.A. University of Kentucky, KY |
Professor Molly Easo Smith | Professor | Ph.D. Auburn University |
Professor Sherry Cook Stanforth | Emerta Professor | B.A. Miami University, OH | M.A. University of Cincinnati, OH | Ph.D. University of Cincinnati, OH |
Professor Adam Stier | Associate Professor | B.A. Miami University | Ph.D. The Ohio State University |