Nursing Admissions Requirements
The first-year student starts the program as a pre-nursing major, applying to the major once admission requirements have been met. Admission is tiered, with priority moving from Tier 1 to Tier 3 (as described below), according to the highest grade point average (GPA) and space availability. Therefore, the student who entered TMU in the first-year as a pre-nursing major and progressed without interruption* (Tier 1) will have preference for classroom/clinical space over the student who transferred into or wishes to reenter or resume the program; space remaining, the process moves to Tier 2 and then Tier 3.
- Tier 1 are TMU Pre-Nursing students who have progressed without interruption* and have met criteria for admission by May 20. If there are more students than spaces available, and all other factors are equal, spaces will be awarded by a lottery for Tier 1 students.
- Tier 2 are transfer students (either from another school or from another major within TMU) or students previously unable to progress in the nursing major who have met all criteria for admission by May 20. If there are more students than spaces available, and all other factors are equal, spaces will be awarded by a lottery for Tier 2 students.
- Tier 3 are students who will meet criteria for admission by August 10. If there are more students than spaces available, and all other factors are equal, spaces will be awarded by a lottery for Tier 3 students.
- No waiting list is maintained of students wishing to enter the program; however, a student who has met criteria for admission and is awaiting classroom/clinical space in the nursing program may apply for admission more than once.
*Progression without interruption means that a student entered the university as a pre-nursing major, has earned at least a C in any course deemed a prerequisite or support course to the nursing program, and has not taken leave from the program.
Requirements for Admission to the Nursing Major
- A minimum college/university grade point average of 2.75
- Passage of all courses designated as first-year level prerequisite or support to NUR200 courses with a minimum grade of C within the last 7 years (regardless if the course was retaken to achieve a higher grade). These courses are BIO211 and 211L; 212 and 212L, CHE 103 and 103L; 104 and 104L, PSY105, SOC105, NUR103 and 104
- Completion of required Clinical Readiness criteria, specifically a first Hepatitis B titer.
Nursing program admissions policy for transfer students:
Students wishing to transfer from another school into the nursing program at Thomas More University must achieve all of the following:
- be transferring from an accredited BSN program
- have earned a minimum college/university cumulative GPA of 2.75
- have presented a letter requesting transfer 30 days in advance of the proposed start
- have presented documentation of good standing from the current university or college
- have passed all nursing and support courses – Biology, Chemistry, Math, Sociology, Psychology – with a “C” or above and within the last seven years
- have no history of disciplinary action or academic probation
- have passed a departmental math test with a score of at least 80 if unable to provide ACT/SAT scores
- have met all nursing Student Handbook standards
A transfer applicant who has been unsuccessful in two nursing courses or two prerequisite courses or one of each at TMU or another institution (including courses repeated for a higher grade) is ineligible for admission to the nursing program. An applicant who has been unsuccessful in one nursing course may be admitted at the discretion of the faculty.

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