Dual Credit Cost and Aid

At Thomas More University, we’re proud to offer you more—for less. Our faculty and staff work hard to ensure that you receive a high-quality private education in an affordable, accessible way. Our goal is simple: we’re determined to help you graduate on-time and on-budget.

2024-2025 Costs & Fees

Tuition (includes parking, student ID, access to resources like the library and tutoring services, printing, and more!)$95/credit hour 
($285 per 3-credit hour course)
Books/Course MaterialsVaries by course

Payment is due the first day of class. Instructions for accessing and paying tuition bills are available in the Dual-Credit Orientation. Students do not need to complete the FAFSA for the Thomas More Dual-Credit program.


  • KHEAA provides a scholarship for public, private, and homeschool students. Students will be eligible to receive scholarships for two general education dual-credit courses each year during the 11th and 12th grade years.
  • Award determination will be made by KHEAA and students will be notified by KHEAA. For more information, please contact KHEAA.
  • Students should work with their school counselor to make their scholarship selections on their KHEAA account. Students who have made selections and anticipate receiving a scholarship may see a balance on their Thomas More account for covered classes. KHEAA does not begin to disburse scholarships for fall term until after October 1 and for spring term until after February 15. If students pay their tuition out-of-pocket and are awarded a scholarship afterward, Thomas More will refund those payments. Students who are taking classes that are not covered by KHEAA scholarships should make their payment by the first day of classes.
  • Students can utilize KHEAA’s Work Ready Scholarship toward some of their dual-credit coursework; however, approved dual-credit courses for the Work Ready Scholarship are limited to Career and Technical Education (CTE) coursework that is in a career pathway approved by the Kentucky Department of Education as leading to an industry-recognized credential.
  • Eligible students can only use the Work Ready Scholarship toward two eligible courses each school year. Per KHEAA, the following course qualify for the Work Ready Scholarship:
    • ACC 101, 102
    • BUA 105, 115, 155, 311
    • CIS 111, 114, 115, 231, 261
    • CRJ 101
    • EDU 101, 201
    • ELS 115
    • LAW 105
    • MIS 113
    • NUR 103, 104
    • Note: For the must current list, please email dualcredit@thomasmore.edu.
  • Students should work with their school counselor to make their scholarship selections on their KHEAA account. Students who have made selections and anticipate receiving a scholarship may see a balance on their Thomas More account for covered classes. KHEAA does not begin to disburse scholarships for fall term until after October 1 and for spring term until after February 15. If students pay their tuition out-of-pocket and are awarded a scholarship afterward, Thomas More will refund those payments. Students who are taking classes that are not covered by KHEAA scholarships should make their payment by the first day of classes.

Students may not use KEES money for dual-credit tuition or books, however, they can earn money for successfully completing dual-credit courses. Read more about eligibility for using KEES money.

For more information on cost of attendance after high school please visit our Estimated Cost of Attendance page.