School of Education

Teacher Education
Thomas More University’s legacy is in training and developing the best teachers possible for the K-12 community. The School of Education incorporates the teacher competencies found in the national standards for teacher education (AAQEP), state standards (Kentucky Teacher Performance Standards), and high-leverage practices to develop teachers who can demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required to facilitate learning for all students in a diverse and global society.
Why study teacher education at Thomas More University?
The School of Education of Thomas More carries out the mission of the University by preparing individuals for the teaching profession and related educational endeavors. Education majors at Thomas More begin field work in their very first education course (EDU 101). The School of Education ensures students are in the P-12 settings for their entire course of study. Education faculty work closely with local school districts to embed theory and practice with P-12 faculty and students throughout the tri-state area. District feedback indicates Thomas More teacher graduates are among the best prepared new teachers in the region.

What will I be doing?
Students begin by taking education courses along with core courses required by the University.
- By sophomore year: Take and Pass CASE exams
- Spring of sophomore year: Apply to the teacher education program
- By junior year: Take and Pass Praxis II Content exams
- Spring of junior year: Apply to Student Teach
Students are placed in area schools beginning with EDU 101: Introduction to Education, observing teachers in their classrooms. As students continue in the program, they are able to assist teachers with helping their students one-on-one. Students begin creating lesson plans during their junior year.
Students are required to complete 200 hours of field work before student teaching, which takes place in their senior year.
Undergraduate Programs
Prepare for a career in education with a Bachelor of Arts in Education or a Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies. As part of a liberal arts university, you’ll gain a strong understanding of core principles of education in relation to human development and learning. Growing as a compassionate teacher or education professional, our goals include inspiring learning and strengthen students’ relationships with their own communities. With a BA in Education from our program, you will have a strong understanding of content necessary to gain your initial state teaching certificate, pass your PRAXIS exam and effectively teach.

Graduate Programs
Thomas More University offers the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program for candidates who have a bachelor’s degree in a certifiable content area but do not have teaching certification. This program embeds Kentucky teacher certification requirements into a master’s degree program that supports new teachers.