Thomas More Success Center
The mission of the Thomas More University Success Center is to accelerate success among all Thomas More students by promoting their classroom, community, career, and character development in support of a culture of student persistence, graduation, and life-long success.
The Thomas More University Success Center consists of:
Institute for Academic Excellence (IAE)
The mission of the Dr. Anthony R. and Geraldine Zembrodt Institute for Academic Excellence (IAE) is to promote academic success, personal character, community belonging, and a passionate outlook through programs and academic societies that lead to independent and engaged learning for students.
Institute for Learning Differences (ILD)
The Institute for Learning Differences (ILD) is a fee-based academic support program designed for students with documented learning differences. This program includes individual learning plans, professional tutoring, individual mentoring/coaching, study skills support, as well as traditional accommodations all coordinated by a strategic learning specialist.
Institute for Career Development and Graduate School Planning (ICG)
The Republic Bank Foundation Institute for Career Development and Graduate School Planning is dedicated to providing services that guide and teach students the process of career development, enabling effective career decision making and work-force readiness. It consists of career advising, graduate school advising, and supports the college’s experiential learning requirement. This institute assists students with resume writing, interview skills, co-ops, internships, and networking skills along with a web-based job posting site for students and employers and an annual career and internship fair.
Office of Student Accessibility
The mission of the Dr. Judith A Marlowe ’69 Office of Student Accessibility is to empower students who have disabilities by aiding in equal access to an education and university life through support and accommodations as well as by collaborating with faculty and staff to provide such access and support.
Professional Advisors of Studies (PAS)
The Professional Advisors of Studies (PAS) provides academic and pro-active advising to students with the goal of meeting the University’s mission by guiding students in a timely path towards graduation and by helping them prepare for postgraduate opportunities. The PAS advise students on academic policies and procedures, course registration preparation, academic planning, resolving academic scheduling problems, and developing individualized Education Growth Plans (EGP). With a goal of improving retention/persistence/graduation rates, the PAS monitor and respond to notifications from the early alert system, connect with students to identify plans for success, and serve as point of contact if student is contemplating withdrawal.