

Mathematics is a rigorous and demanding study of the structures found in the real world: the nature of numbers, functions and their relationships.  It is the foundation of all the hard sciences and underlies our best explanations of the universe.  The love of getting correct answers, solving difficult problems and finding clarity in complicated situations is attractive to mathematics students.

Even if students see themselves ultimately becoming a physician, lawyer, or working in the business world, mathematics majors have significant advantages over others. In a study done by the National Institute of Education, mathematics compared scores of 550,000 students on both the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) and the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), over 18 years.  Mathematics majors received higher scores by 12.8 percent and 13.3 percent respectively.  The next highest improvement went to philosophy majors at 8.7 percent and 11 percent.

Join the greatest intellectual adventure possible: become a mathematician.

Effective learning requires the right environment.  For students who wish a unique, intimate setting where faculty are friendly, easily available and have a wide variety of interests, Thomas More is the place.  Students are often found in the common room for the suite of math and physics offices within a few feet of their instructors, doing homework, solving problems on the board and asking questions.

At Thomas More students will learn with their friends in the department and they will not be  buried away, alone, in a corner of a library or some obscure, unoccupied building of a giant institution.  There is a student lounge in the adjoining room where students gather to discuss work, socialize and learn from each other. The math and physics tutoring center is where many students work and collaborate. Students who study mathematics love being a part of the Saints community.

Mathematics beings with a 4 semester course in calculus: calculus I, II, III and differential equations. Having mastered calculus, students begin learning to handle more abstract ideas, with a proofs course and options to study combinatorics and number theory.  The study of  linear algebra, which is fundamental to almost every area of mathematics and science, and then the more rigorous study of probability and statistics, or partial differential equations, and abstract algebra and real analysis.

Students who wish to become actuaries have a special set of courses in business and economics to help achieve that goal and prepare for one or two of the professional actuary exams.

Other special topics include numerical analysis.

Finally, a senior capstone class, MAT 405, is taken to introduce the student to research and professional communication tools and techniques. Students will present their work to the professional mathematical community at regional meetings along with their peers from other institutions.

​Thomas More students have gone on to graduate school in mathematics and mathematics education.  Former students are tenured faculty at local institutions.  Other Thomas More graduates have become actuaries, gone to graduate school at large institutions like Purdue, and worked in local businesses while others are teachers in regional high schools and others have pursued graduate degrees in other areas.

​Mathematics majors score well above the average student in the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) and the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). For those students interested in advanced mathematics, graduate school in mathematics or statistics or professional work as an actuary is available.  Students with a degree in mathematics work within the computer industry, national security, and all areas of business are within reach.  Those interested in careers in medicine and law are welcomed as applicants by these professional schools.

​Students have had internships with local actuaries. All students take MAT 405 and make professional presentations of mathematics at regional meetings.

​Students need to have good ACT scores in mathematics to be accepted into the mathematics major. Calculus I, the first course, requires an ACT math score of at least 23.

​Most students at Thomas More receive some kind of financial aid. Questions about aid should be addressed with the admissions office.

in becoming a Thomas More student?

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